

Broadcasted on TVA

Of Irish origin, the O'Hara clan is tightly knit. In a mirror effect, we will recognize ourselves in this family which, at first glance, looks a little like mine, a little like yours, with one difference. The O'Hara's have money ... a lot of money.
But while money makes life easier, too much money makes it harder. And everything is actually more complicated in the O'Hara family. Mixing business and family life, brothers and sisters have to work together to carve out a place for themselves in the empire. And while the knives may sometimes fly very low, the blood ties remain stronger, and they all inevitably meet on Sunday evenings around the table of Samuel, the clan leader. Revisiting the traditional family saga, the O' series will be anything but conventional. With a sustained rhythm and a hue all its own, O' will push the limits of classic soap opera, creating a new niche for itself in the television landscape.



It is under the sign of upheavals, upheavals, under the sign of new dynamics in the love relationships uniting our O'Hara couple that this fifth season of our TV series O' will begin. Samuel accepts the divorce and promises Jacqueline that everything will be done in a calm and respectful manner. Jacqueline will plunge into a romantic relationship with Richard, her new lover.  On Philippe's side, Mina's accident puts him in a precarious situation. Marie-Ève and Charles take another step towards satisfying the passion they have had for each other for some time. Gloria sets off on an adventure with Antoine and Abbie. Will Antoine be as free and unpredictable as Gloria would like him to be? And finally, Louisa realizes that Jean-Seb doesn't love her with the same passion, with the same emotion that David loved her. Could it be that he has been hiding a dark side since the very beginning? In short, love relationships will be at the heart of the stakes for the O'Hara Clan! 

Program info

  • Format
    24 episodes / 1 hour
  • Genre
  • Year
  • Broadcaster
  • Director
    Frédérik D'Amours
  • Writers
    Anita Rowan, Rachel Cardillo, Marie-Frédérique Laberge-Milot, Nathalie Bourdelais, Annie Langlois et Yves Lapierre (script-éditeur)
  • Producer
    Sophie Deschênes


Guy Nadon, Marie Tifo, Stéphane Demers, Maxim Roy, Louis-David Morasse, Marilyse Bourke, Geneviève Boivin-Roussy, Isabel Richer, Lynda Johnson, Noémie Godin-Vigneault, Laurence Deschênes, Wilson Henley, Micheline Lanctôt, Annette Garant, Benoît Drouin Germain, Marie-Pier Labrecque, Hugo Giroux, Paul Savoie, Catherine Renaud, Sébastien Roberts, Nathalie Coupal, Luc Proulx and Simone-Élise Girard

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